Welcome to the new website and blog for the Friends of Train Wood group, The project to develop the website is ongoing, so keep an eye on the blog and the site in general as it gradually fills with information.
We will be using the website along with our Facebook page to publicise news and events on Train Wood and the locality, focusing on any events that take place to maintain or support the area and the project. There are also area of the site devoted to various aspects of this rare wet and dry woodland habitat, you will find in the ‘About the woodland section’ a variety of pages that cover the history and heritage of the site and the surrounding area, the natural diversity of the plant and animal life, the river and the surroundings.
We will also focus on how the project is advancing and the situation regarding the ownership of this currently publicly owned piece of woodland, and how we are trying to keep this green corridor a public space. There will also be information on the campaign, publicity and opinion. If you want to get involved and either support us with a donation or help with the woodland management in the future or have any suggestions please get in touch. This project already has strong public backing with 1,600 people signing a petition to keep Train Wood in the hands of the public in just a few weeks. Areas like this are important, not just to teh local community but to anyone who walks or cycles to and from the city.
We will be holding a litter pick on the Train Wood section of the Marriott’s Way on Saturday 18 May, meet 10.00am at start of Marriott’s Way, Barn Road roundabout. Equipment provided. Please email marriottswayfriends@gmail.com confirming if you can come. As we need an idea on how many pairs of gloves to bring.