We will be holding a litter pick on the Train Wood section of the Marriott’s Way on Saturday 5th September 2015, meet 10.00am at start of Marriott’s Way, Barn Road roundabout. Equipment provided. Please email alancubbage@yahoo.co.uk confirming if you can come. As we need an idea
A unique piece of Norwich’s natural and historic heritage has been saved by a community group’s hard-fought campaign to keep it in public hands. Friends of Train Wood are celebrating after hearing yesterday that their 18-month battle has been successful and the land off Barn Road has
Friends of Train Wood entered The Norwich eco awards, they were looking for organisations and individuals who have made an environmentally-friendly contribution to the city in 2013. This could be a recycling scheme, cutting waste, saving energy or encouraging biodiversity, or any init
Following The Friends of Train Wood Annual General Meeting on the 18th September, the new committee for the year 2013 – 2014 has been elected. Chairman: Alan Cubbage Honorary Treasurer: Adrian Holmes Honorary Secretary: Wyn Hurst Membership Secretary: Jan Middleton Management Co
We are currently planning some more dates for litter picks and general clean up of train wood, we will publish the dates here as soon as we know more. There are also plans for a public meeting again soon so we can update everyone on the progress with the campaign to keep the site in p
Welcome to the new website and blog for the Friends of Train Wood group, The project to develop the website is ongoing, so keep an eye on the blog and the site in general as it gradually fills with information. We will be using the website along with our Facebook page to publicise new
We will be holding a litter pick on the Train Wood section of the Marriott’s Way on Saturday 18 May, meet 10.00am at start of Marriott’s Way, Barn Road roundabout. Equipment provided. Please email marriottswayfriends@gmail.com confirming if you can come. As we need an idea on ho